Big Plans

It’s official–we are in the thick of the holiday season! Matt and I kicked things off by putting up our Christmas tree, sipping sparkling cider, and sharing a beginning-of-holidays-but-not-quite-at-midnight smooch. And this weekend it’s home again, home again for us as we head back down to Bountiful to celebrate the holidays with my entire extended family. It should be …

Tuesday Tell-All

*I finally got on the scarf bandwagon. I have avoided it for years because I just couldn’t get over how a piece of cloth with strings pulled out of one side cost as much as an (affordable) pair of jeans. But, when I was able to get a couple of those suckers for about $3/apiece …

Preview – Holiday Pics

So the day after Thanksgiving, I decided to drag Matt and his mom (our photographer) out so that we could get some nice pictures of the two of us, thinking we would have some good Christmas card material (if, of course, I ever get around to actually doing holidays cards this year). Later this week, I’ll …


Dia De Gracias

Since I figured everyone else was doing posts with titles like, “Happy Thanksgiving” or “Day of Thanks,” I decided to be a rebel and say it in Spanish. Cuz I’m cool like that. (Not that I have anything against generic titles, of course. I just feel this inexplicable need to be different all the time. …

Funny, Teaching

Fun with Argument Essays

Greetings from the middle school, where I am currently in the middle of a very LOOONG Teacher Prep Day. You know what’s sad? That I first rejoiced when I heard that we were having a Teacher Prep Day (because when I was a student, that always meant no school). Of course, the second it dawned on me …

Tuesday Tell-All

*After losing my “cool teacher” status within the first two weeks of school (mostly because students consider my class to be so stinkin’ hard), I think I earned back some of those cool points back today by showing A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. I debated whether to turn it into an assignment that tied into our …