You want to know what we’ve done this weekend so far?
About six hours of calculus homework,
one hour of homemade burger-eating,
six-plus hours of card-playing combined with movie-watching,
and one hour of feeding the ducks.
See those big ol’ fat geese below?
Well, apparently I have some kind of instinct to want to chase them around and, well,
Push their buttons.
However, I learned a very important lesson as I inched closer to the geese
and then literally took a leap towards them:
They hiss.
And charge.
As I shrieked and ran away, a frisbee from a nearby group came flying out towards the hissing geese.
Is it bad that I doubled up with laughter (on the inside) when one of the young gentleman was too scared to approach the frisbee because he had just seen what the geese did to me?
I’m terrible, I know.
Matt (the brave soul) had to risk his life and get it for him.
My husband is so noble.
And last but not least, I found a duck that exactly reminded me of the creepy penguin off of
Wallace & Gromit, creepy stiff-walk and all.
Here’s hoping that your Saturday is as jam-packed awesome as ours (minus the calc).