Tell-All Tuesday

*Well folks, it’s here: the new semester, complete with new pens, new textbooks, and a not-so-new 5-subject notebook. School is a glorious thing. *2 of the 3 classes that I actually have to show up for (my 4th class is online) are classes that are entirely about how to assess students (aka how to write …

Tuesday Tell-All

*I have been almost too busy at work to blog lately. That is NEWS, people. BIG news. Let’s CAPITALIZE things news. *School starts in six days. AAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 *(I think I’m feeling so hyper due to the Diet Dr. Pepper I’m allowing myself to indulge in while I type) *The only reason I …

Book #14: The Help

Title: The HelpAuthor: Kathryn Stockett# of Pages: 544 It seems like about once a year, everyone’s buzzing about some hit book. Last year, it was The Hunger Games, before that, there was Twilight, The Da Vinci Code (which I still haven’t been able to convince myself to read), and, of course, Harry Potter. Generally the …

Tell-All Tuesday

*First off, thank you to everyone who offered me consolation/support/a shoulder to cry on/etc. after my terrible, no-good, awful workday(s) last week. I have since survived until yet another Tuesday, and things have been overall going better (at least to the point where I think that I can hold out for another few months) *I …