I think sometimes people (myself included) forget that even though you might have an “easy” (or a “happy” or “good-natured”) child, that same child is still entitled to her fair share of hard moments, toddler meltdowns, and general whiny-ness. And that those moments are okay. They are normal. They are part of growing up. As …
First Christmas with a Baby, In Pictures
Christmas with a baby– It’s like, to paraphrase Charles Dickens, “having…the lightest license of a child, and yet being [wo]man enough to know its value.” Our first Christmas with a baby was everything it ought to be–full of family, parties, gifts, giggles, and an occasional fussy fit or two when naptimes were ignored or pushed …
“I Will Honor Christmas In My Heart, and Try to Keep It All the Year”
I read A Christmas Carol every year out loud to my students, and it never ceases to bring the light of the Christmas season into my heart. A few of my favorite lines for you now, and here’s wishing all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year: “He became as good a …
You Can’t Take Christ Out of Christmas
When I was young, perhaps 9 or 10, I was at a friend’s house making Christmas door hangers from half-circle blocks of wood and curled wire strung through holes punched in the sides of the blocks. I had carefully painted my wood block an appropriate seasonal color, and, realizing that I probably would not have …
Baby + Tree
The old saying proves true–holidays really are even more special with a child. Even though Raven basically understands next to nothing about the whole Christmas thing, she definitely appreciates a few things about it already, like the plethora of twinkling lights and the fact that she gets fed a lot more finger food (because we …
The Only Christmas Card You’ll Get From Us This Year
Sometimes we have traditions we feel like we “should” do but that don’t really get us excited–for me, that includes sending out Christmas cards. Now, don’t get me wrong: I love getting Christmas card updates from family and friends, and I think it’s a great way to force yourself to remain in touch with people …
Christmas 2013 in Pictures
I’d planned to do a big, fancy-pants write-up of our Christmas this year (honestly, more for my sake than for anyone else’s), but then I got knocked flat on my back by the flu, which meant that I spent Christmas hacking it up and the day after Christmas barely able to move, watching old seasons …
Merry Christmas!
Here’s the card I actually managed to print and send out to a few people this year. (Note to self: next year, I definitely need to print out more copies.) This was the first year in history that I actually followed through with my goal to do the “Christmas card thing,” and I have to …