Life Lately, Snapshot of Today

A Snapshot of My Life Today 1/27/2022

the boys ‘helping’ me with laundry

Greetings from the land of the eternal January! I almost didn’t get this post done because our life has looked pretty boring lately, but I figured I have a nice little streak of doing these once a month, so I’d best get on with it! Outside my window, we have a layer of thick, crusty snow that seems unable to melt, even though we haven’t had fresh snowfall in weeks, and inside, our house looks like a windstorm swept through it.

As always, if you’d like to play along, either copy and paste the prompts at the bottom of the post into a comment below, or copy and paste them onto your own blog and then tag me in your post so I can see what YOU’VE been up to!

Note: There are affiliate links to products and books mentioned below.

getting ready for the first time all week…

Time I woke up: 6:45 a.m. (grudgingly) to the sound of my alarm
First thing I did upon waking: went into the kitchen to turn up the heat. We keep the house at 62 degrees at night and then at 65-66 during the day.
Current weather: Sunny and frigid. It’s currently at 18 degrees and we’ve been hanging out in the single digits at night for weeks now.

I did manage to go down into our grow room to check on the seedlings this morning

Last 3 things I read (not on the Internet): Magical Journey by Katrina Kenison, Peppermints in the Parlor by Barbara Brooks Wallace (our current family read-aloud), and A Year Full of Flowers by Sarah Raven
Last website I visited: Goodreads
Last show I watched: reruns of The Office (season 3) before bed last night
Last thing I said: I honestly can’t remember, so we’ll go with the text I just sent to Matt: “Well for bacon, it’s pretty cute.” (Matt is toying with the idea of getting a pig to raise for meat.)
Last out-of-the-ordinary thing that happened: Our whole family has had COVID for the past couple weeks. The kids got it first, then Matt and I got it five days later. Everyone else is pretty much totally recovered except me, so I haven’t been doing hardly anything lately — not housework, not cooking, nothing. I ended up having Matt get takeout last night from a Mexican restaurant we’ve never tried before, but…I couldn’t really taste it. Oh, well. I am thankful I got the virus now rather than a year ago. At least now I’m vaccinated and boosted, and the virus has been (I imagine) comparatively mild.

Last thing I ate: oatmeal with raisins
Current whereabouts of other members of household: the boys are finishing up a movie, Raven’s at school, and Matt’s at work. Oh, and Onyx is out running around in the backyard 🙂
What I was doing an hour ago: taking a shower
What I’ll be doing an hour from now: getting the boys lunch and getting Mathias ready for preschool
One thing I should be crossing off my to-do list today: I haven’t had much energy or motivation to do anything while sick, but I’m pretty behind as far as flower farming stuff goes. I’m hoping to at least sow some snapdragon and Icelandic poppy seeds today.

if you think our kitchen is bad, you should see the rest of the house…I guess that’s what happens when you don’t clean for 2 weeks!

(post a picture of yourself right now)
Time I woke up:
First thing I did upon waking:
Current weather:
(post a picture of one thing you’ve done so far)
Last 3 things I read (not on the Internet):
Last website I visited:
Last show I watched:
Last thing I said:
Last out-of-the-ordinary thing that happened:
(post picture of something you’ve eaten today)
Last thing I ate:
Current whereabouts of other members of household:
What I was doing an hour ago:
What I’ll be doing an hour from now:
One thing I should be crossing off my to-do list today:
(post a picture of your home/apartment/room/location right now)

What does life look like in your neck of the woods today?

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