

Today I took a sick day from work due to the fact that our entire household seems to have come down with something. Owing to our slightly varying symptoms, it’s been difficult to tell if we’ve all come down with the same something or with three different somethings, but either way, it’s not been much …

A Promising Start

A good holiday break needs to have a good dose of crazy loud fun with family and friends (check), a  healthy taste of something new (check), and a big ol’ dollop of just quiet contentment. Because, let’s face it, as an instructor of over 150 students, “quiet contentment” is a commodity that’s hard to come …



(I call this one “Raven in Motion”) Today I woke up with a sore throat and aching body, but since I took off the one day I could afford to take off this month (last Friday), I bribed myself to get out of bed this morning at 5:25 with the promise of 7-11 hot chocolate. …



Today an old man at the grocery store was solidly convinced Raven was a boy “because she’s dressed in blue” despite the woman he was with trying to point out the white hairbow and the fact that the blue outfit was actually a dress with polka dots. I still don’t think he was fully convinced, …



(photo unrelated to post, but I like it so I’m posting it anyway!) Today I woke up at five o’clock so that I could drive down to Provo for a week-long educator conference that consists of me writing standardized test questions for 8 hours a day, 5 days this week. Today I found out that …