Happy Day of Love, people! In honor of the holiday, I put together a list of 11 ways to put a little more “happy” and “love” into your life, whether or not you have a special someone around. Since my job lately has been a little less-than-fulfilling, I have started having to come up …
How Would You Describe Your Style If You Had 3 Words?
Occasionally when I’m in the midst of about 500-pages worth of grading (no joke), I allow myself a five-minute break to think of “fluff” (not literally of course). /Lately, one of the “fluff” items on my mental agenda has been my style. I’ve gone through a lot of style changes in my life, from the …
5 Things — And Only Five
In lieu of a Tuesday Tell-All (because really, who has the energy?), I will tell you exactly five things: 1. We have now heard back from three of the five PT schools Matt applied to, all in the negative (cue sad face and chocolates and cards being sent our way). While this is disappointing, we …
How Do You Stop Hating Your Job?
Back in November, I posed the question: “How do you know if you’ve chosen the right job?” That post came in response to a particularly difficult start to the new school year, in which I felt like I was an optional entity up in front of the room that students could ignore on and off …
Financial Friday: 6 Things Worth Splurging On
Now I love a bargain as much as the next person, but a lesson I think I’ve really been learning lately is that there are some things in life that are worth spending a little bit of extra money on. Mind you, I’m not talking hundreds of dollars of extra money here (I AM a …
Can reading ever be as good as it was when you were a kid?
Photo taken in 2005 One positive thing that I’ll occasionally have the pleasure of seeing as a teacher is a kid who finally “gets” that reading can be enjoyable—there is something truly magical about matching up the right book with the right kid, and in that lucky moment, that child’s reading life is [hopefully] changed …
February Goals
New month, new goals. However, I can’t very well go on with the new until I’ve made myself accountable for the old, so here’s how I did on January’s goals: *Sign up for a half marathon. I signed up to do Thanksgiving Point’s “Tulip Run” Half-Marathon, and I’m stoked. Of course, signing up was the …
January Reading
Although I started last month with such high hopes for what kind of reading I’d get done, I pretty much failed miserably on my January goal to read two books off my lists (mostly because I totally read the wrong book, which kind of killed the motivation I would have needed to finish up the …