
Round 2 of the Cleopatra Hair

 It was clear to me after I started to reach the stage of “oh-my-gosh-I-hate-how-thick-my-hair-is” that I needed to schedule my usual 6-month hair appointment.

Usually on these six-month appointments, I go with something drastically different than the time before so I won’t get bored.

But this time, I did the unthinkable–I actually got pretty much the same haircut I did six months previously (gasp!).

Except this time, I just kept on the extra 3 inches I’d gained.

Here’s to not hating my hair anymore!

And here’s to me practicing for picture retakes, which were this morning.

(Just kidding–I didn’t make a kissy face. But I probably should have because it would have turned out better than what I did do, which was smile awkwardly as my head got tilted unnaturally far to the side and left.)

And p.s.–it was almost just as funny this time around to see my students’ reaction to my hair as it was last time. I even had one brave (boy) student say that he thought I would look “really good as a blonde.”

Ha ha.

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