Tuesday Tell-All

*It is Halloween tomorrow, and I have no plans to dress up (although we can at my school). I did, however, “dress up” for Pajama Day  yesterday. Seriously–Best. Idea. Ever. Of course, I was seriously considering searching out some pillows and a blanket during prep to take a little snooze, but what do you do? …

Tuesday Tell-All

*So we got pulled over last week because our Mazda’s front window had a big ol’ crack in it. I didn’t even know they pulled over for that kind of thing, especially since it hadn’t *quite* reached the driver’s side [completely]. But, with fix-it-ticket in  hand, I marched right on over to the car glass place to happily …

Photo Walk

Mini Fall Photo Walk

The other day, I ran across some of the pictures we took last year up at Tony’s Grave at about this time of year, and I just kept begging Matt to come out with me to go for another little fall photo walk. Luckily for me, my husband is a very obliging man (even when …