Traveling w/ Kids: It’s Not Awful, But It IS Different

Lately, I’ve seen a lot of posts from parents that basically all say that traveling with kids is the pits: no rest, no relaxation, no fun–just supervision and crankiness and stress the vast majority of the time. (Or my own personal favorite: “Let’s get real–it’s really only a vacation for the kids.”) I get it. …

Raven: 12 Months

Here we are, almost a month late, but better late than never, right? Actually, this will be the last of the monthly updates, mostly just because I (obviously) have a hard time keeping up on them. The photo shoots have gotten pretty crazy (both in execution and in editing), and I think any updates from …

Raven: 11 Months

Raven is now less than a month away from being a year old, a fact that seems at odds with the motherly part of my brain that insists that she’s still my tiny baby, only a few months old really. But eleven months sure is fun (even if it seems like my girl has a …

Raven: 10 Months

Don’t be fooled by these pictures–it took a LOT of wrangling with an overexcited, giggly baby in order to get most of these, and it made me wonder how much longer I’ll be able to trick her into doing a “formal” photo session on a monthly basis. But for now, I present for your amusement, …