Goals, Monthly Recap

All Moved In & Nowhere To Go {July 2020 Goals Recap + August Goals}

We survived the move.

There were moments when I wasn’t sure we would–at least not with our sanity entirely intact–but we survived.

Of course, we were terrified we were going to end up on the local news because our chicken coop door flew open while driving on the freeway (with the chickens inside of the coop), and we were sure that at any moment, we were going to see chickens flying out the open door and wreaking havoc across all lanes of the freeway, but all is well now (and no chickens escaped before we were able to pull over and re-secure the door, thank goodness).

Here’s how the (seemingly) short list of July goals shook out:

Note: There are affiliate links to products mentioned below, which means I may get a small commission on any purchases made at no extra cost to you.

July Goals

  • Complete moving checklist (+ move, obviously!)
    • I made a moving checklist with about a dozen items on it, including booking the moving van, canceling the utilities, figuring out the deal with transporting the coop, etc. Other than a couple more places I need to look up and change my address, I’m counting this one as complete. (And I wish I could say that it will be a loooong time before I have to do all this again, but…it won’t be. Our plan is to be here with my folks for only 3-4 months until we find our next house two hours south of here, where the company my husband works for is moving.)
  • Use free oil changes and other free inspections
    • A couple years ago, Matt bought a punch card from a local auto repair shop that was new in that location and trying to build up business. For $75, he got a punch pass that included all sorts of services, including six oil changes. Matt was able to take in his car for a free oil change and a free trip inspection before we moved, though we didn’t end up getting anything done on our van. I’m still going to count this as complete though, just because the van wasn’t quite in need of another oil change yet anyway.
  • Make four recipes out of Our Best Bites: Savoring the Seasons
    • Moving has wreaked havoc with this 2020 resolution. I was only able to make two before I got too slammed with everything. Don’t know if I’ll be able to make up for June’s and July’s misses AND do August’s at this point. This might be a wash, but I’m still keeping it on the list for now.

August Goals

  • Transfer phone service to Google FI and order a smartphone for me (!)
    • YOU GUYS…I’ve finally admitted defeat with my flip phone. There are so many things it’s now incompatible with, and now that Matt is staying up in Cache County for part of the week until the company moves, I needed a better way to stay in better touch, which a smartphone will allow me to do. Gotta say, I felt like the only person in the world who was able to last this long without one! We’re also switching from Tello to Google FI in the hopes that we’ll get better coverage when we move to Central Utah.
  • Set up appointment with specialized massage therapist
    • Since I’m still facing back pain every time I try to start exercising again (and physical therapy and chiropractic work only got me so far), I figured I’d give something else a shot. (This particular therapist comes highly recommended to me by my sister.)
  • Purchase gym membership
    • Now that we’re living with family for the time being, I’m going to invest in a gym membership since my mom said she’s willing to watch the kids a few times a week so I can go.
  • Send in homeschooling affidavit
    • In case you missed the announcement, we’ve decided to homeschool our oldest for this year, with everything going on. In the State of Utah, you’re required to file a homeschool affidavit with the school district you live in, so I need to get on this before the school year starts.
  • Plan out first quarter of homeschooling
  • Start homeschool
    • I plan to start the third week of August. It sure seems to be coming up fast!
  • Start teaching Raven piano lessons
    • I’m going to attempt to start these at the same time as we start homeschool, and I’m planning on using this piano curriculum. We’ll see if she’s ready!
  • Call about van key
    • We bought our minivan almost a year ago, and the company was supposed to make us a second set of keys but never did. I put off dealing with this for so long because we bought the car down in Bountiful, which is where we’ve just moved to. I have no idea if they’ll still honor that promise, but I’m going to find out!
  • Unpack and organize
    • I should never be trusted to guesstimate how long anything to do with moving/packing/unpacking will take, because I always, ALWAYS grossly underestimate how much time it will involve. My niece came over for the whole day today to watch the kids so I could start getting everything organized, and I feel like I barely made a dent. (AND I CAN’T BELIEVE I HAVE TO DO THIS ALL AGAIN IN JUST A FEW MONTHS!!! AAAGHHHH!)
  • Make four recipes out of Taste of Home’s Most Requested Recipes
    • I will attempt this again, but if I’m unsuccessful for a third month, I might just have to throw out this resolution for the year. (At the very least, it got me much more in the habit of cooking out of my own cookbooks again rather than always just looking online!)
  • Get my eyes checked and my glasses fixed
    • It’s been over 10 years since I’ve had my last eye exam, and I’m fairly certain I’ll need a new prescription. Also, I just discovered that my glasses somehow broke (?), so I need to get those fixed ASAP since I have a hard time doing any work on a computer screen (or seeing a t.v. screen) without wearing them.

And that’s the plan for August for you! How are things shaking out in your neck of the woods?

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