Now that the big secret of me being pregnant with our third child is out, the fact that I only set seven goals for June will probably make more sense. And the fact that we only completed half those goals will make even more sense.
So it goes.
Since I’m now passing the 13-week mark, I’m anticipating that I should start feeling better real soon, which is why you’ll notice that my goals list, uh, exploded for July. You’ll also notice that most of them have to do with getting the house back in order after me taking about 3 months off to be sick and totally exhausted, ha ha.
Let’s quickly recap last month though, shall we?
Note: As always, any goal that’s crossed out means I’m counting it as completed. Any goal that’s in red means that measurable progress was made on the goal, but that it wasn’t fully completed for whatever reason. Also, there are some affiliate links in this post, which means that I get a small commission on any purchases made at no extra cost to you. Thanks for supporting To Love and To Learn!

June Goals
- Get radon test kit
- The budget got the better of us again, dangit! However, we were super careful with a lot of our budget in June and started making the littlest bit of headway again, so that takes some of the sting out of not doing this once again. Rollover goal for July.
- Mail tripod to be repaired
- Another one that just ended up not being in the budget. However, Matt is getting a bit of a raise this month, so I’m thinking this should for sure happen in July.
Get haircuts (both Matt and me)- We both got significant trims, and both of us look notably less unkempt, ha ha.

- Build chicken coop
- Matt has framed out the whole thing (including the door) but had to pause because we needed more materials and didn’t want to put them on the credit card. This should definitely be finished up in July, especially since our poor chickens are just so over being in our garage.
Fill sandbox- We called around to several different local places to find one that offered beach sand in bulk, and all my calling paid off! Instead of the $50-60 or so we would have paid if we’d gone with buying sand in bags from a place like Home Depot, we found a company in the valley (Allen Rock Products in Lewiston) who gave us the whole truckload we needed for just $20. The kids have been LOVING the sandbox so far!
- Go on day adventure
- Sigh. Nope. Budget restrictions and me not feeling well meant for a pretty low-key month. Luckily, July has a lot of fun stuff planned, so it should be a shoe-in for this new month.
Do a birthday party for Mathias- I recapped this in my one-year post on Mathias, so I won’t say too much more here, but it sure was fun celebrating our favorite little guy!

Other noteworthy things that we accomplished that were not on the original goals list for June:
- We sent in the paperwork to our mortgage company to see if we could get our PMI waived by getting our house reappraised.
- You might remember that we only put 3% down when we bought our house two years ago. (Yes, we’ve been in our house two years! So crazy! I feel like I just wrote that post of everything I’d learned after ONE year of home ownership!) Anyway, the housing market continues to be hot around here, so we want to take advantage of the fact that our lender is willing to waive our PMI if our house reappraises at a high enough value to show that we essentially have the 20% equity in the home. Fingers crossed they approve our request!

July Goals
- Start making weekly to-do lists again
- I hadn’t missed making a weekly to-do list in years until this pregnancy, and then I just totally stopped. I am significantly more productive when I map out my week beforehand, so I’m excited to start this up again. I originally was going to also set the goal to start up my morning routine again, but I thought I’d better not go out too fast from the gate 🙂
- Donate the encyclopedias in our front room
- We took a whole set of old encyclopedias from my mom several months ago, thinking we could maybe sell them or trade them in for store credit at our favorite used bookstore. No luck at either thing. Apparently no one wants encyclopedias anymore, ha ha. Time to donate them!
- Completely clean/declutter front room
- This room used to be so streamlined and clean the majority of the time, but it hasn’t been that way in months. We keep a dresser in there of toys for the kids which sorely needs a good purge session, and the cube bookshelf is full of a lot of who-knows-what. Time to tame the beast.
- Do the first maternity wardrobe capsule
- While I’ve done a technical “capsule” wardrobe before, I now just do a modified version of one. Rather than counting out pieces and making sure that most everything matches everything else, I just rotate out pieces in my closet frequently by season and by size. For now, I’ll keep out my looser “regular” and “postpartum” clothes that can still get a month or two of use, and I’ll pull out the maternity jeans, skirts, and smaller tops.

- Go through the 12-month clothes for Mathias + donate any 9-month clothes we didn’t use
- I’m hoping that Mathias will be ready to move up to the 12-month size in July, which will give me the perfect motivator to go through all those clothes. We’ve been sourcing clothes for our kids from multiple family members, so the bins/boxes/bags we have yet to wear are a little out of control.
- Get radon test kit
- Rollover goal.
- Mail tripod to be repaired
- Rollover goal.
- Finish building chicken coop
- Rollover goal.
- Install hardware on mudroom bench
- Matt built us a beautiful bench for our kitchen entry, but we still need to install hooks and cabinet knobs on it before it can be fully utilized as intended.

- Start going to the temple weekly again
- Back in November, Matt and I had started to each go to the temple every week rather than the once a month we were doing before. Matt has kept up his habit, but I put a hold on mine since I didn’t want a repeat of what happened last time I went to the temple during the first trimester of pregnancy (and threw up everywhere just outside the session). Fingers crossed.
- Clean A/C filter
- Confession: I don’t actually know HOW to clean an A/C filter—I just know that we should be doing it for the maximum efficiency of our A/C system. Time to turn to Youtube…
- Go on day adventure
- This one should be a shoe-in since we actually have two planned already for July—a day at Cherry Hill’s waterpark with my fam and a trip down to Lamb Days with my stepdad’s family. Should be fun!
- Completely clear off kitchen counters
- Once again, an area that used to be regularly clear and minimalized and that has lately turned into a clutterfest. I might have to tackle this in sections, just because it really has gotten that bad.

- Redo one old recipe post
- I have quite a few delicious old recipes here on the blog that are in desperate need of some updated, non-scary pics. I think I’ll take advantage of it being the peak of produce season and choose one of the strawberry or other fruit-centric ones.
- Start exercising again
- I basically stopped exercising completely when I hurt my back last November. It’s started to feel almost normal again, so I want to pick up some light exercising again before I get too far along in the pregnancy.
- Make 5 new Food Nanny recipes
- Back to tackling this 101 in 1001 goal now that I’ll hopefully be feeling a bit more inclined to cook!

- Reread one book
- Another 101 in 1001 goal is to re-read five books, and I only need to finish one more to cross it off. Should be easy enough, right?
- Add Matt to kids’ savings accounts + add me to all banking accounts
- When I opened up savings accounts for the kids, they couldn’t add Matt without him being present (since they needed his signature). I also still am not technically added to a few of the old checking/savings accounts that Matt opened up way back when.
- Start working on EBA again
- I enrolled in Elite Blog Academy back in March and was killing it for the first little while…until I got pregnant, and I’ve barely been blogging period since. I’m excited to start this up again though! I have a lot of ideas to implement that I think you’ll all love.

That should be enough to keep me busy, right? (ha ha) What are your big plans for summer? Any big projects you’re working on?