I had my 20-week ultrasound yesterday, and I thought I knew just how it was going to go.
For starters, I’ve had a hunch since the beginning this was a girl—this pregnancy has felt much more like the one with my daughter than my son, and obviously we were going to have a girl because we have the girl name all ready.
Then, at our 17-week appointment, the ultrasound tech didn’t have us look away while she was checking baby’s kidneys (we told her we wanted to wait to find out until 20 weeks), and Matt said that based on what he saw, he thought it was a girl.
So yesterday, we left the ultrasound in a bit of a shock, as it looks like Team Blue is now ahead!

Now we just have four months to decide on a name, since Mathias is literally about the only boy name we have ever agreed on…
(Also, this means I’m 1 for 3 on my guesses as to what my children’s gender would be. I’m never trusting my instinct again!)