(all photos taken on our recent Kanab/Arizona trip, where I crossed two things off my life’s bucket list) Back in the summer, I wrote a post all about how, after a massive life revelation, I was spending far too much time worried about “goals” and not nearly enough time worrying about “habits.” From that time …
Tuesday Tell-All
Because I’ve got some random photos I need to dump somewhere and a lot of disconnected thoughts running around in my fuzzy little brain, I thought we’d do a Tuesday Tell-All for old times’ sake. *As an early Christmas splurge, Matt and I bought ourselves a new lens for the camera (although, if we’re being …
5 Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Started Teaching Middle School
I am now well into my 3rd year teaching 7th grade, and while this year has been much more smooth-sailing than last year, I still often wonder if when the time comes to look for another teaching job, I should look into teaching an older age group. You see, there’s a reason that teaching …
11 Things That Have Surprised Me About Pregnancy
Even though I’ve kept myself reasonably well-informed this pregnancy (by regularly reading books like What to Expect When You’re Expecting and frequently doing Google searches on questions I have), there have still been several things that have totally surprised me about pregnancy. In no particular order, here are 11 things that I DIDN’T exactly …
We’ve Reached the End
It’s taken seven years, 15 semesters, thousands of dollars, and countless hours of work, stress, and anxiety, but guess what? Matt finally took his very last final of his whole undergraduate career yesterday afternoon. It’s bad enough to go through the stress of college yourself, but I think it’s infinitely harder to stand to …
A Day in the Life of a Pregnant Teacher
Note: I found this post filed under “drafts” and realized I’d never published it (because when I wrote it, no one knew our happy news). Even though I’m now more than 2/3 of the way through my second trimester (and this post deals with all the not-fun symptoms of my first trimester), I …