To take advantage of the holiday (since we both have it off), we decided to take ourselves on a little excursion to Cutler Marsh, which I pass every day on my way to and from work.
At first, I was disappointed–the entire lake was frozen over, and the landscape looked just like anywhere else, complete with dead-looking cattails and tracked-through white snow.
But then Matt started walking across the lake.
After a sufficient freak-out from me (as I thought about every movie I’ve ever seen where someone fell through the ice), I took my first step on it.
And the rest, as they say, is herstory–we went sliding and frolicking across the ice like two little kids on a snow day.
When the novelty of my very first ice-walk ever wore off, we walked around getting some cool pictures (which I’ll post later), and Matt made me a little ice love note.
Actually, the true story is that the heart was already there, and he just cleared all the snow out of it. But I guess that still gets him cute points.
What did you do for the holiday? Did you have to work? Anyone else brave the negative temperatures outside like us crazies?