Twas the day after Christmas and all through the house,
Not a Torrie was stirring, not even her spouse.
The presents, unwrapped, were strewn all around,
The laundry and garbage were all in a mound.
And Torrie, all wiped from a long Christmas day,
Rejoiced in her innards as she heard an elf say,
“I’ve come here to grant you some wishes–say three–
Like ‘mopping the floor’ or ‘packing the tree,'”
Then Torrie laughed and clapped her dry little hands,
“I must sit here and write my list of demands!”
Then the wee elf–named Matt–said to her with a snap,
Just kidding–I’m taking a long winter’s nap.
Okay, enough rhyming.
The real end of the story?
We put in our new seasons of Seinfeld, popped a bag of popcorn in our new microwave (which, miraculously, actually popped all the kernels), and decided to do nothing until we absolutely have to.
But, just to leave you for a few things to look forward to, I have a TON of posts scheduled for these next several days to come (including a complete coverage of all Christmas festivities as well as my upcoming New Year’s resolutions).
But for now, I’m going to do nothing.
And enjoy it most heartily.
How are you spending the day after Christmas?