Anyone who grew up when the Goosebumps series ran rampant must surely remember the “Choose Your Own Adventure” books–novels that allowed you, the reader, to make a decision at certain junctures in the story that would lead to different outcomes. As any avid reader probably did, I always had to find out ALL the adventure …
Why It’s Okay If Your Mornings Aren’t “Ideal”
It seems that I’ve been reading a lot lately about morning routines, specifically what “power people” do in the mornings to make sure their day gets off on the right foot. Maybe it’s just the type of blog I follow or maybe it’s just the type of magazine I subscribe to or maybe it’s just …
I Found the Secret to Work/Life Balance (For Now, Anyway)
I’ve officially been back teaching 7th grade for two weeks now while simultaneously being a new(ish) mom, and surprisingly (?) things are going really quite smoothly. Well, for the most part. (There have been a few days during 1st hour that I’m a bit of a zombie from how many times I woke up the …
Thoughts on Going Back to Work After Being a SAHM
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Mom Guilt is a real thing. Even when you have done pretty much everything within your power to be the best mom you could be, to protect and nurture and teach and care for your kid(s), The Guilt seems to remain–The Guilt over what you could have done …
Just So You Know What to Expect
I’m still hoping to get a few posts up on the blog this next week, but just so you know, I STILL have over 500 pages of writing left to grade by Thursday night, and I can’t make any promises when it comes to my blog this week. However, lest you fear that I did …