Photo Walk


Today we went on our first Photo Walk in ages, and I can’t wait to post all the cool pictures we got. However, it is time for bed, so I will only post these cuz I think they’re fun: Can’t wait to show you the rest. Hope you all had a happy Sunday!

Photo Walk

Photo Walk: Mini

On New Year’s Day, I took a short mini photo walk by myself while Matt and his brother played Magic cards. And you know what I realized? Somehow the photos are always better when Matt’s there with me. It’s probably because most of the ones I post are his 🙂 But regardless, I guess I’ll …

Photo Walk

Photo Walk – Dry Canyon

Last Sunday, Matt and I went on a “penny drive” in order to determine our photo walk destination. For anyone who is unfamiliar with the rules of the penny drive (or walk), it just means that you flip a penny every time you come to a fork in the road: with heads you turn right, …