Remember how I was saying here how I wished I could have had a camera on our run last Saturday on the Legacy Trail? Well, we decided to go back and try to capture some of its beauty and take advantage of the newly fallen snow on Sunday. And while we didn’t want to run …
Today we went on our first Photo Walk in ages, and I can’t wait to post all the cool pictures we got. However, it is time for bed, so I will only post these cuz I think they’re fun: Can’t wait to show you the rest. Hope you all had a happy Sunday!
Photo Walk: Mini
On New Year’s Day, I took a short mini photo walk by myself while Matt and his brother played Magic cards. And you know what I realized? Somehow the photos are always better when Matt’s there with me. It’s probably because most of the ones I post are his 🙂 But regardless, I guess I’ll …
Photo Walk – Tony’s Grove Area
Last week when I got my haircut, I got an excellent recommendation from my hairdresser (Summer Stott at the Center St Salon in Logan—she’s amazing!); she told me about how her and her husband loved to go to a place up Logan Canyon called Tony’s Grove. I had heard of it, but had never been …
Photo Walk – Second Dam, Part II
Yesterday was the most gorgeously crisp autumn day, and we were lucky enough to have some time to go out and take a walk together around Second Dam. If you’ll remember, the last time we did a photo walk there (check out that post here), the snow was melting and we were excited to be …
Photo Walk – Side of the Road
Here we are again, another Sunday, another photo walk. This time, I convinced Matt to do more “photo” and less “walk” as we decided to drive by this stunning yellow field that I pass each day on my way to work. After we had our fill of fun at the field, we hopped across the …
Photo Walk – Black & White, Take 1
This week’s photo walk got rained out, so we didn’t get too many pictures. We started out trying to just go for cool angles and contrasts, but since most of them started to look pretty creepy, we decided to just go for a little bit creepy. But, since we hardly got any good pictures at …
Photo Walk – Dry Canyon
Last Sunday, Matt and I went on a “penny drive” in order to determine our photo walk destination. For anyone who is unfamiliar with the rules of the penny drive (or walk), it just means that you flip a penny every time you come to a fork in the road: with heads you turn right, …