Goals, Health

February Focus: Step It Up

  I never made it official here on the blog, but the way I’m doing new year’s resolutions this year is to pick a different thing to focus on each month. That way, I won’t be torn into a million different directions like I usually am with resolutions, but at the same time I’ll be …

Goals, Money

Spending Freeze: Week One

    One week into January’s spending freeze, and I’m somehow already broke. I know exactly why, of course– You see, my school district does this thing that I HATE where they pay us much earlier than normal “to help with the Christmas expenses.” Normally, I get paid the last day of each month (as …


Habits vs. Goals {Part Two}

 (all photos taken on our recent Kanab/Arizona trip, where I crossed two things off my life’s bucket list) Back in the summer, I wrote a post all about how, after a massive life revelation, I was spending far too much time worried about “goals” and not nearly enough time worrying about “habits.” From that time …

Set Habits, Not Goals

  I’ve been thinking a lot about my new year’s resolutions and my monthly goals lately (probably because I’m pretty much failing miserably at many of them), and for many weeks now, something has just felt OFF about them. I couldn’t pinpoint it at first, but during my run this morning (and during my post-run …


May Goals

Since creating my massive to-do list at work for the month, I’m beginning to wonder if I should set goals at all for this month. But in keeping with my new year’s resolution to set mini goals to help me reach the items on my life’s bucket list and to become a better homemaker, I …


April Goals

After my humiliating goal attempts in February, I was determined to make last month count. And I don’t know if it was the determination that came from having achieved so very little the month before or if it was the coming out of the sun and springtime weather, but I kicked BUTT in March on …