
Day of Reckoning: 2013 Goals

As the excited buzzing of a new year approaches, new resolutions are being made left and right everywhere I look (mostly, it seems, due to overindulgence by the population at large over the long holiday). And while I myself am gearing up for a new year filled with new goals, I can’t very well move forward …


I Know What I Want

There’s a balcony overlooking a spread of red hills and sagebrush where we’re staying in St. George, and I often find my whispering feet tip-toeing out there to drink in the tranquility and heat. I’ve been to this condo here in Southern Utah many times now, but each time is a new revelation: about myself, …


Goal Checkpoint #1

  If you’ve been a reader of this blog for awhile, you’ll know that I’m always in the middle of working on some goal or other. The particular goals that I’m currently in the middle of happen to be the same ones that I made at the beginning of the new year (what can I …

Dreams, Goals

Dreaming Big

Some days, when I have to remind myself that I actually voluntarily put myself into the job that I’m in, I let my mind wander to a place of dreams–dreams where I’m not having to constantly monitor and babysit what 150 teenagers are doing every second and where my job isn’t notoriously known for being …


March Reading

 Remember how two years ago, I set a goal to read 50 books in a year and only got to 19? Or last year, when I wanted to read double of what I did the year before (which meant 38 books), and I only read 23? Well color me ridiculous because this year I only …