Since creating my massive to-do list at work for the month, I’m beginning to wonder if I should set goals at all for this month. But in keeping with my new year’s resolution to set mini goals to help me reach the items on my life’s bucket list and to become a better homemaker, I guess I’d better give it a shot anyway.
But here’s a recap on how April went—
April Goals
*Visit a new national park in Utah.
We checked out the Golden Spike Monument when we had a bit of free time one afternoon, which only solidified my resolve to get outside of our usual dinner-and-movie bubble on our dates.
*Read 1 Kings and 2 Kings in the Old Testament.
*Run a half-marathon.
I may not have met my bucket list goal of running a half in under two hours, but this last half taught me that there’s definitely hope!
*Lose 5 pounds.
At a loss of just over a pound a week, I was able to meet this goal right before my half-marathon. My secret that’s not a secret? Logging all my calories onto My Fitness Pal and keeping up my training regimen for the half.
*Learn a new piece from my Piano Classics book.
*Read two books from my lists, at least one of which needs to come off my “100 Most-Recommended Classics” list.
Done and done. I read Cry, the Beloved Country (which I’ll be reviewing shortly), and loved it. I feel like I’m getting my reading mojo back finally!
*Homemaking Goal: Try out 4 new recipes this month, two of which are more “adventurous.”
This is the only one I didn’t make, which is ironic considering it was the one I was the most excited about. I did make two new recipes, but they were “safe” recipes, not anything adventurous. I’m hoping to re-try this one in the summer once I have more time.
With this month looking a bit like a nightmare, I’m not going to go too hard on myself. As much as I love crossing off long lists of reached goals, there’s nothing I hate more than a long list of goals left undone. So here are my goals for May:
May Goals
*Do two photo sessions to build up my photography repertoire and further develop my skills.
*Plan out when we’ll cross off my bucket list item of volunteering at an animal shelter. (I’m hoping to get this one crossed off during the summer.)
*Check out summer photography class options. If possible, sign up.
*Read I Chronicles in the Old Testament.
*Homemaking Goal: Get rid of 100 things to further de-clutter our life. I’ve let a lot of clutter back into my life since my 50 Weeks to Organized project ended in December, and I really need to get back on the wagon.
All right, that seems do-able, even with 68 items left on my to-do list that all need to be completed by May 30th.