Father’s Day 2013

My dad and me on my wedding day Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see ANY of my fathers yesterday in person–not my dad, my stepdad, or my dad-in-law. But I’m sure grateful for all of them, just the same. I’ve decided that the role of all my fathers has been this: to lavish me with …

Family Fun

A Family-Filled Weekend

When I was a teenager, I felt like I hardly ever spent weekends with my family–my independent teenage self craved time with my close girl friends, in which we’d plot ways to sneakily happen to “bump into” our latest crushes. Since getting married though, it seems like my bond with my family has multipled a hundredfold, …

Family Fun

This Is What Turning 26 Looks Like

Turning 26 looks like: *Trying out a new-to-us Mexican restaurant when my sister and brother-in-law come into town *Getting new white USU shirts to show our Aggie pride *Watching our beloved Aggies stomp UNLV *Spending time with the man I love (who got me that new season of Big Bang Theory I’ve been just dying …