Here we are, at the end of another month, and I’m (yet again) scrambling to get in a monthly snapshot of my day post so I can keep up this good streak we’ve got going. I took a break last month since I did a full Day in My Life post near the beginning of the month, but I do love having these monthly snapshots to look back on.
Lately things have been pretty good around here. Other than all of us coming down with a strain of the flu that lasted around 3 weeks for each of us, we’ve been reveling in the spring sunshine, getting outside a lot more, and working on flower farming projects. My kids are also currently on Spring Break, which means I’ve gotten to sleep in past 6:45 every morning this week, a rare luxury.
As always, if you’d like to play along, either copy and paste the prompts at the bottom of the post into a comment below, or copy and paste them onto your own blog and then link to me in your post so I can see what YOU’VE been up to!
Note: There are affiliate links to products and books mentioned below.

Time I woke up: initially at 7:05 a.m. to Matt kissing me goodbye (since he left early for work today so he could get off early), then I fell back asleep until about 7:45.
First thing I did upon waking: Gave Raven a big hug because she’d shut my bedroom door so I could sleep in a little longer while she set the table and got breakfast going for herself and for Mathias. I’m just *barely* getting over my turn with the flu, and I honestly think it’s the kids being on break that’s finally allowed me to get better, as it’s meant our mornings and days aren’t rushed and I’m overall getting more rest.
Current weather: partly overcast and partly sunny with sporadic showers of rain and temps of around 55 degrees. This last week has been beautiful and refreshing, and we are always SO grateful for any rain since we don’t get very much in these parts.

Last 3 things I read (not on the Internet): Magical Journey by Katrina Kenison (I’m just about finished), The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder (our current family read aloud), and The Year of Pleasures by Elizabeth Berg (not generally the kind of book I usually go for, but not bad)
Last website I visited: Goodreads, to get the authors of some titles I’m adding to a future blog post (I’m already working on my Summer 2022 Reading List!)
Last show I watched: a couple re-runs of The Office last night before bed
Last thing I said: “Daddy’s almost home. He’s coming home early to help me with the roses.”
Last out-of-the-ordinary thing that happened: I got my shipment of bare root David Austin roses today! I bought seven roses from them, which is definitely a bigger investment for our flower farm, and I can’t wait to get them in the ground and see what they look like in a few months!!

Last thing I ate: some cookie dough from the batch of gluten-free chocolate chip cookies I just baked
Current whereabouts of other members of household: Hyrum is taking a nap, the older two kids are in the front yard drawing with sidewalk chalk and riding bikes, and Matt is (hopefully) getting ready to leave work pretty soon so he can come help get all these roses in the ground tonight
What I was doing an hour ago: Working on some future blog posts
What I’ll be doing an hour from now: Probably helping Matt prepare the ground for the roses and then getting some dinner started for everyone
One thing I should be crossing off my to-do list today: I actually got quite a bit done today, including teaching Raven her piano lesson and doing a ton of laundry and dishes, as well as some important things for the flower farm like fertilizing all the seedlings. Obviously the biggest thing I hope to accomplish today is getting all those roses in the ground.

Hope that this spring air is doing you some good lately too, and I’d love it if you shared with me how your day is looking today! Just copy and paste the prompts below into a comment or into a blog post, and make sure you tag me if you do end up doing a post on your blog!
(post a picture of yourself right now)
Time I woke up:
First thing I did upon waking:
Current weather:
(post a picture of one thing you’ve done so far)
Last 3 things I read (not on the Internet):
Last website I visited:
Last show I watched:
Last thing I said:
Last out-of-the-ordinary thing that happened:
(post picture of something you’ve eaten today)
Last thing I ate:
Current whereabouts of other members of household:
What I was doing an hour ago:
What I’ll be doing an hour from now:
One thing I should be crossing off my to-do list today:
(post a picture of your home/apartment/room/location right now)