Confession: I have spent the majority of my spring break cleaning the apartment and trying to prevent Raven from pulling all our DVDs off the shelf about every other minute. However, before I went into full-on spring cleaning mode, I made sure we did a little adventure-ing last weekend (while I still had plenty of …
I Don’t Feel Like Being an Adult Anymore Today
Today has been one of Those Days. You know the ones I mean—the one where from the get go, you feel like you’re failing in general at this thing known as Adulthood and Life in General (or at the very least scraping by with perhaps a D+). And then things pile on top of that …
100 Hours in the Kitchen: Second Quarter
As I mentioned in my initial post on my 100 Hours in the Kitchen project, it only takes about 100 hours of doing something to become significantly more advanced than a beginner (as compared to the 10,000-hour theory that says that you must spend 10,000 hours to become a master at anything). Now, I know …
Why I Don’t Do My Best at Everything
I’ve long since thought that our society has a bit of a superhero complex—not only are superhero movies bigger and more popular than ever, but I’ve noticed that even for us “regular humans,” we’re often expected to be “superheroes” in the sense that we put this pressure on ourselves to do everything (and do it amazingly …