My Weirdly Effective Technique for Keeping our Table Clear of Clutter

  ***CONFESSION*** Our kitchen table (and all of our kitchen counters, for that matter) are almost always filled with clutter of some kind. After my 50 Weeks to Organized Project back in 2013, I got really good at keeping certain surfaces clean, like the bathroom counter–a major win–and the tops of “decorative surfaces,” like the …



Today I took a sick day from work due to the fact that our entire household seems to have come down with something. Owing to our slightly varying symptoms, it’s been difficult to tell if we’ve all come down with the same something or with three different somethings, but either way, it’s not been much …

Raven: 9 Months

Quick Stats  Weight: 17-18 lbs. (?)  Height: about 27″ (I don’t know on these–we’ll find out for sure at her appointment next week) Clothing Size: 6-9 month size Diaper Size: 3 Milestones Reached Pulls up to standing on pretty much everything, including in her crib Holds on to and uses furniture, toys, and/or people to walk …