What Am I So Scared Of?

In honor of Halloween, I thought I’d talk today about REAL fear—not the silly, “fun” fear that comes from watching creepy black and white films (like Wait Until Dark) or dressing up in gory costumes–but REAL fear: the kind that keeps you up at night wondering what you’re doing with your life (or what you’re …

Uncultured No More!

I would venture to say that I’ve become a pretty decent cook over the past three years— That is, unless you’re judging me on ethnic variety. Pot roast and potatoes? Check. Creamy white chili and anything with bacon? Check check. Venture outside of the typical white, middle-class cuisine? Hmmm… It’s not that I don’t like …

On the Edge

Lately, I’ve been feeling on the edge about something just under the surface. I don’t know any other way to explain it—I feel like something is about to happen or change or appear in my life that I didn’t expect. Maybe it’s because not much has changed in my life over the past year and …

Be Astonished

One of my favorite poets ever–Mary Oliver–once penned these lines: “Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” So here, in no particular order, are a few things I’ve been astonished at recently: *I am astonished that lately, random cats and babies seem to be drawn towards me like never before. …