Well, I’m about an hour out from departure to girls’ camp–3.5 days filled with campfire banana boats (essentially grilled bananas stuffed with chocolate chips and mini marshmallows), low-mess crafts, spiritually-themed hikes, and group skits.
It will basically be awesome.
Of course, as of Sunday morning, I was deathly afraid that I might come home from camp to find that this stray black kitten that Matt just “had” to take in Saturday night might still be here when I got back. Luckily for us, we found out at church that it actually belonged to somebody in our congregation (hallelujah!), and so I was able to chuck our makeshift litter box and its half-eaten can of tuna guilt-free.
Thank goodness for a still-pet-free life.
I scheduled some posts for the next few days, so stay tuned!