Go figure that this week just happens to be the unlucky 13–it seemed like every day that I normally would be doing my organization project, something came up or happened so that I no longer was able to do it. And then, when this morning came and I still hadn’t even started to look through my stack of magazines that was getting more and more intimidating by the day, I was tempted to call the whole thing off and just do double-duty next week.
But you know what?
I don’t want to be a quitter like that.
So I buckled down and just got to it.
First, I took out all the magazines that were more than a year old. Most of them I was able to get rid of, but a few (like the special commemorative editions of Time and People covering the Royal Wedding and a few hairstyling and running magazines), I just couldn’t part with.
With the remaining magazines, I decided what absolutely was going to stay no-matter-what (like Country Living) and what I could probably part with and feel little remorse (Family Fun, seeing as I don’t have kids, and some issues of All You).
And even though the remaining stack would still be considered excessive for most people, I’m feeling pretty darn good about myself, especially considering now that they’re kind of even organized into subgroups (home and garden on the left, church magazines in the middle, and lifestyle/fitness/fashion on the right).
Too bad I get 7 or 8 magazines every single month, so I’ll have to do this process again in like 3 months.
Oh well.
This Week’s Quick Stats:
# of Items Tossed/Donated: 21
# of Items Left to Toss/Donate Before Dec. 31st: 282
Amount of Money Spent on Organizing this Week: $0
Since this week before spring break might get a little crazy, I’ve decided to go kind of small again for my next project:
The Mail
Even though I bought a cute little basket to put the incoming mail in a few weeks back when I organized the kitchen, I’ve still not gotten the hang of not just putting every random piece of paper in there. So, it looks like to really get organized, I’m actually going to have to come up with a system, seeing as how my little basket has currently reached its maximum carrying capacity.
To-Do List
*Sort through the mail you currently have and toss what you don’t need
*Set up a place to keep all mail supplies (stamps, envelopes, stationery, cards, etc.)
*Remove your name from unwanted mailing lists (create an account at www.dmachoice.org)
*To stop the Yellow Pages from being delivered to your home, go to www.yellowpagesgoesgreen.org
*Toss all old catalogs and all the new catalogs that you’ll never order from
*Choose a receptacle for all incoming mail and designate a separate place for current catalogs, bills, etc.
Once a Week
*Clear out your mail basket
Once every 3-6 Months
*Toss old magazines and catalogs
*Restock any mail supplies that are low
Once a Year
*Cancel catalogs to places you don’t shop
*Cancel or renew any mail subscriptions you currently receive
Due to the fact that I’m already getting this blog post out so late, you’ll have just to wait with bated breath until next week to see my mailbox’s “Before” picture.
Bet you can’t even wait.
*All to-do lists and cleaning suggestions are taken from Jennifer Ford Berry’s book Organize Now. (This is NOT a sponsored project–I just adore the book! I highly recommend buying a copy for yourself. It literally is what inspired this whole project and is worth the money. Click here to check it out.)