50 Weeks to Organized, Homemaking, Housework, Minimalism, Simple Living

50 Weeks to Organized: Week Eleven


Despite feeling a bit under the weather this last weekend, I still managed to take about 3 hours to go through all my clothes and revamp my whole closet scheme. I managed to part with almost 60 items of clothing and/or shoes, and I felt so invigorated by the whole business that I made Matt drive us to the D.I. stat so that it could be out of our lives for good.

You know, it’s funny because for a long time, I thought I was addicted to holding onto everything, and I seemed unable to part with even the littlest trinket (mostly due to me not liking to deal with the feeling of loss when you get rid of something that holds sentimental value but is no longer of any use to you). But now I think I’m addicted to this feeling of taking all these bags of stuff out the door–it’s like with each bag, I can almost feel a weight being lifted off.

I remember this one time that my sister Hannah (a massage therapist) was doing some energy work on me. She told me to envision that I was putting all the junk and baggage from my past into big plastic garbage bags and taking it out to the curb. I still remember how liberated I felt after that session with her, and I find it only fitting that I feel liberated now that I’m taking the literal junk out of my life, too.

So that’s the truth, then: getting rid of the junk is equivalent to the best therapy.

This Week’s Quick Stats:
Items Tossed/Donated: 59
Items Left to Toss/Donate Before Dec. 31st: 314
Money Spent on Organization this Week: $0

Now, I re-did my closet scheme back in 2011, and I had originally switched away from my typical color-coded closet to doing one that was more by type (dressier shirts in one section, t-shirts in the middle, my little section of prints on the right, jackets and sweaters off to the side, etc.). However, I found that there were some serious problems with that plan because since I’ve been doing a bit of style reinvention, I’ve discovered that I can no longer separate dressy shirts from t-shirts because I’ve learned that you can really dress up or dress down nearly anything.

So it was time for a change.

I kind of missed my color-coded ways, but I knew I still needed sections, so this is what I came up with: go back to organiziing everything by color, but keep all the obvious “types” of clothing separate. My separate categories ended up being:

*Blazers/suit jackets to the far left
*Cardigans next to them (all 19 of them–I’m such a cardi-junkie)
*Collared shirts
*1/2 – 3/4 sleeve shirts
*short-sleeved shirts
*dress pants
*lightweight long-sleeved shirts
*heavier winter sweaters

Thank goodness we have a big closet.

Matt got in on the fun too and got rid of some of his own stuff too (although since his wardrobe is about a tenth of mine, he got rid of quite a bit less than I did).

Overall, I’m just excited that my closet can BREATHE again.

(Even if the whole experience just made me have an itch to go out and buy some of the cute spring clothes I’ve been trying hard not to want.)

I know:



Since Matt and I are taking a bit of a road trip this week, I thought it only fitting that my challenge for when we get back should be:

The Car

Here’s a picture BEFORE our trip, so you can only imagine how bad it’s probably going to be after.

This Week’s To-Do List:
*Remove all garbage and items that do not belong in your vehicle. Don’t forget the trunk!
*Take out all floor mats and shake them out.
*Clean out the glove compartment.
*Vacuum the interior. Dust and wipe down the dashboard, drink holders, and doors.
*Place all CDs in a case.
*Clean the windows
*Attach a trash bag to the back of one of the seats or the console and be sure your family uses it.
*Wash the exterior.
*Place loose items in the trunk in containers so they do not slide around as you drive.
*Schedule an oil change or do it yourself.
*Put together or update your emergency kit, which should include: a well-stocked first-aid kit, road flares, a flashlight with extra batteries, and everything needed to fix a flat.
*Collect all information pertaining to vehicle repairs and maintenance and keep it in one location, such as the glove box or a file in your home.
*Keep these items in your vehicle:
-vehicle insurance info
-vehicle registration info
-car manual
-pen and paper
-local map
-snow scraper
-car charger for cell phone
-hands-free earpiece for cell phone
-emergency kit (under the seat)
*Keep these items in the trunk:
-can of oil
-windshield washer fluid
-spare tire
-jack/lug wrench
-jumper kit
Once a Month
*Clean the vehicle inside and out
Every 3-6 Months
*Schedule an oil change
*Check tire pressure
Once a Year
*If your state or county requires it, send in your inspection/registration
*Check the air pressure in your spare tire
*Update any insurance changes
*Check and change your antifreeze in the fall
*Update your emergency kit for colder months to include a small shovel, kitty litter or sand for traction, and a blanket
*Wax your vehicle
*All to-do lists and cleaning suggestions are taken from Jennifer Ford Berry’s book Organize Now. (This is NOT a sponsored project–I just adore the book! I highly recommend buying a copy for yourself. It literally is what inspired this whole project and is worth the money. Click here to check it out.)
What are your strategies for keeping the clutter out of your car?

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