They say that the best teachers are the ones learning right along with their students, and let me tell ya–I have learned a LOT about myself over the course of this week.
I always knew I had a problem with procrastination–I never took it quite to the extreme of these particular students (because I actually turn everything in on time), but I literally wait until almost the last possible minute to do almost everything: papers, phone calls, grading, cleaning . . . you name it, I put it off.
Or so I thought.
The survey up there is one that I filled out right alongside my kids, and it was a real eye-opener for me. Turns out, I DON’T procrastinate everything–in fact, some things I’m very good at taking care of right away (like anything to do with our finances). And some of the things that I put check marks by were things I didn’t even REALIZE I was putting off–like developing my hobbies/talents or severing an unsatisfying relationship.
I figured that to help my students fix the problem, they first had to recognize that there WAS a problem.
Guess I needed to take some of my own advice.
Later on (probably next week–I’ll put it off until then), I’ll be posting about how I plan to actually start tackling my procrastination problem.
In the meantime, I’m curious as to how you’d answer the survey. If the one up there is too itty-bitty for you, you’ll find a link to it here.
What surprised you most?