February/March Reading

Life’s been pretty busy lately, but now that I’m going into the home stretch of the school year, I have had a *little* more time to read, and my latest crop of books has not disappointed. Just a reminder as to the significance of the ratings: 5 stars = life-changing (and I try not to …

The Allure of Insecurity

I’ve been giving my students the Myers-Briggs personality test to kill some time during homeroom this week (where I have 8 minutes with those kids every day pretty much to do whatever the heck I want). They’ve been really eager to find out their personality type, and I was pretty curious myself to take the …

Playing Photographer

On Monday, my friend Liz told me about a great opportunity to “shadow” a professional photographer on a shoot (at which Liz was the model). Although much of the shoot was spent observing the photographer and helping her out with her light reflector, I still learned a ton (and had a few chances to get …