Raven: 10 Months

Don’t be fooled by these pictures–it took a LOT of wrangling with an overexcited, giggly baby in order to get most of these, and it made me wonder how much longer I’ll be able to trick her into doing a “formal” photo session on a monthly basis. But for now, I present for your amusement, …

Raven: 9 Months

Quick Stats  Weight: 17-18 lbs. (?)  Height: about 27″ (I don’t know on these–we’ll find out for sure at her appointment next week) Clothing Size: 6-9 month size Diaper Size: 3 Milestones Reached Pulls up to standing on pretty much everything, including in her crib Holds on to and uses furniture, toys, and/or people to walk …

Raven: 8 Months

Raven turned 8 months old over a week ago, and here I am, still trying to pull off another monthly update. At least I actually took the photos this time on the actual day, eh? Quick Stats Weight: about 17 lbs. Height: about 26.5″ Clothing Size: 6-9 months Diaper Size: 3 Milestones Reached Got her …

Raven: 7 Months

These monthly updates seem to be coming later and later than they should, which must be a sure sign that time seems to be passing by quicker and quicker. I am now finally beginning to understand why other bloggers stop doing these updates after awhile (and I don’t even have a second kid as an …

Raven: 6 Months

My original plan when the school year started was to continue trying to blog at least three times a week so that this beautiful season of our lives could be documented, but I honestly haven’t had the time and/or energy to devote to it like I’d originally hoped. But I did at least want to …

Raven: 5 Months

Quick Stats Weight: about 15 pounds Height: a little more than 25″ Clothing Size: still 3-6 month size, although some of the onesies are getting a little too snug This is now the fifth time I’ve done one of these little “photo sessions” of Raven, and after last time, I was feeling pretty confident about …

Raven: 4 Months

Today at Raven’s doctor appointment, the pediatrician remarked that the 4-month checkup was probably his favorite of all the checkups because the babies are interactive, they don’t fear him yet (ha ha), and they’re really starting to show off their personalities. Amen to that! Having a 4-month-old is definitely a lot of fun. Quick Stats …

Baby Raven: 3 Months

In talking to Matt the other day, I made the comment that I feel like we’re in the “golden hour” of parenthood–we’re not stressed out from tantrums or teething or potty training, we only have one (blessedly easy!) baby to love on, and we’re regularly getting plenty of sleep at night. Before having kids, I …