After receiving lots of feedback in my latest reader survey (which you can still take if you haven’t yet–click here), I’ve decided to do away with the Sentence a Day posts. However, because there were enough people who said they really liked them and would be sad if they went away, I’ve decided to meet …
Why I Don’t (Usually) Hide From My Daughter That I’m Getting Rid of Her Stuff
Note: This post contains affiliate links. All opinions, as always, are my own. Now that spring has finally decided to grace us with her presence, I am in full-on Spring Cleaning Mode over here. I am re-reading Dana K. White’s How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind (which I talked about extensively in …
What I Learned From 7 Terms of Self-Assigned Reading (+ Why I Finally Quit)
I’ve always known I’m a little on the unusual side when it comes to my reading life–I’m a bit obsessive about tracking my books, I’ve kept pretty much every recommended reading list ever given to me (including some given to me in high school around 15 years ago), and I basically have to read multiple …
How to Make It Through Church With Young Kids (5 Actionable Strategies)
Hey! Today’s blog post is inspired by a reader’s response to last week’s blog survey (if you still haven’t taken that, click here!), and I thought it was a brilliant idea for a post. I know many families have a tradition of making sure they go to Sunday worship services on Easter Sunday, so since …
2019 Reader Survey!
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve last done a reader survey (not since the beginning of 2018!), so I thought it was high time I sent around another one. So, whether you’ve been a follower for over a decade or you just started following last week, I genuinely want to know what you think! …
Loving and Learning Lately {13}
Welcome to Round 13 of this little series I started of all the things in life I’m loving and learning lately! Here you’ll find everything from the books I’m currently reading to the products I’m loving to the shows I’m watching (which, spoiler alert–won’t be very many or very exciting, since I’m not a huge …
An Upcoming Surgery + A Farewell {March in a Sentence a Day}
If you’re new around these parts, this monthly series is an exercise in brevity as I try (but not very hard) to summarize each day of our month in one sentence. (Also, I’ve been taking a picture of my daughter – and now my son, too – every day since they were born, and this …
The Worst I’ve Ever Done On My Monthly Goals {March Goals Recap + April Goals}
A truth I’m having a hard time swallowing as a mom, especially now that I’m a mom of two, is that my time to work on my personal projects is becoming more and more limited. In March, I made a pretty big decision about a week in to enroll in EBA (Elite Blog Academy), which …