Life Around Here Lately

Note: There are affiliate links to products mentioned below, which means I may get a small commission on any purchases made at no extra cost to you. Eating Lately: More greens than I should (my GI doctor told me to lay off ’em, but I can’t help myself) and equal weights of fresh produce and …


Read Recently

  It’s been several months since I’ve done a reading post, so I feel a little rusty (and a little guilty that I haven’t been reading as much as I feel I “should” be). But I have read some pretty decent reads lately, so I figured I’d pass some along. Key to Rating System: 5 …


The Summer of Photography

  In order to semi-wisely use all my extra free time during the summers off from teaching, I tend to develop a “thing” each summer—last summer it was the “50 Weeks to Organized” thing, other summers it’s been reading books off of all my lists like mad or dating like it was my hobby (before …


My Beauty Routine

  I’ve been wearing makeup since I was 12, and I honestly hadn’t changed my beauty routine much up until about a year ago. For the longest time, my makeup routine looked the exact same: (in this order) 1. foundation all over 2. powder 3. eyeliner 4. mascara Sure, there were some tweaks sometimes, like …

Tuesday Tell-All

  For a throwback to good ol’ blog-times past, let’s do a little Tuesday Tell-All, shall we? *For starters, I call the picture above, “Sweet Taters Through Steam.” Sometimes I think my calling in life is making food, taking pictures of it, and then eating it. I’m perfectly okay with that life vision for myself. …

Set Habits, Not Goals

  I’ve been thinking a lot about my new year’s resolutions and my monthly goals lately (probably because I’m pretty much failing miserably at many of them), and for many weeks now, something has just felt OFF about them. I couldn’t pinpoint it at first, but during my run this morning (and during my post-run …