Okay, let’s get real, folks: the last month of your first year of teaching is really, REALLY busy/stressful/emotional/tiring/draining/sleep-deprived/crazy. You know it’s bad when one of your favorite hobbies (blogging) is starting to feel like just one more thing on that monstrous to-do list. You know it’s REALLY bad when you’re stressing yourself sick over the fact that you kind of have to admit that this lofty goal of doing an organizational project each week that you’ve set for yourself needs (NEEDS!) to be tweaked so that you keep your sanity.
SO, this is what’s going to be happening:
*I am NOT quitting the 50 Weeks to Organized project.
*I am, however, revising it majorly—originally I’d planned to do one organizational project per week and post about it, but that’s proven to be out of my league (at least for now, anyway). I also realized that I actually didn’t even HAVE 50 weeks’ worth of projects to actually DO.
*Therefore, I will be periodically posting on my progress every time I start and finish a project, but it won’t be weekly.
*I DO, however, plan to be completely clutter-free and organized in 50 weeks still (but I’ll just be doing it in 30 or so projects rather than 50).
Usually doing this kind of thing makes me feel super guilty (which is ridiculous, I know). But this time? Pretty much all I feel is relief.
I REALLY must be stressed out or something… 🙂
Only 12 more school days left after today . . . but who’s counting?