Book #12 – The Lace Makers of Glenmara

Title: The Lace Makers of GlenmaraAuthor: Heather BarbieriPages: 288 I don’t know why book reviews always seem to make me confess something, but here goes another one: I confess that I never–never!–read any book unless it’s a classic/on a book list/a bestseller/or highly recommended by someone close to me. Which is why I was so surprised …


I’m so bummed out. We had big plans to go home to Bountiful this Friday night after work and spend a leisurely long weekend full of food, fireworks, and family. Matt told me yesterday that he has to work up here on Saturday night, meaning that we’ll probably have to miss (or just be very …

Photo Walk

Photo Walk – Colors

Because our last photo walk theme of trying to find all the colors of the rainbow didn’t work out so hot (our fault for trying before the spring had fully come), we decided to give it another whirl today. Happy Sabbath!                                                                                              

New Look

As you can all see, I’ve started to create a new look for my blog, using the original URL name for my new title. When I originally created this blog a few years ago, I did so after delving into a book that my Dad recommended to me called The Day I Became an Autodidact. …

Weekly Writing – 3 Changes

Remember this post from earlier this year where I said that I wanted to try out a different writing prompt every week? Or this post where I said I was trying to be more creative in my journal writing? Well, I can confidently say that I’ve been failing miserably at both. It’s good to be …