
Taking Charge + A Blog Announcement

It’s been a hard last week or so—slowly but surely, I have been feeling the all-too-familiar crushing weight of my job combining with the all-too-familiar crushing squeeze of my other daily and weekly responsibilities. I knew, from years of  experience, that the only thing keeping me from a major meltdown was the fact that I was still managing …


Can You Ever Really Blog for Yourself?

Blogging’s a funny thing—on the one hand, you (my reader) know more about my day-to-day life than almost anybody else (with the exception of my husband), but on the other hand, there are some glaring holes that I purposely leave out of the blog. One of those “holes” has been about blogging itself—most blogs that …

Six-Year Blogiversary

It just so happens that while I was checking my blog archives today, I found out that today (yes, TODAY!) is the six-year anniversary of me starting this ol’ blog. Of course, I didn’t regularly start blogging until a couple years ago, but I thought I’d take this moment to thank you—my lovely readers—for this …