Well, here we are, folks–we are officially into marathon week. Can I get a “YIKES!” from the crowd? So last week was my last full week of marathon training. It felt rather weird, actually, because you’re supposed to taper down significantly the week before a race, and so I just felt kinda lazy. I mean, …
Marathon Training, Week Fourteen
I found out something interesting about myself as a runner this last week–usually, I am the kind of person who likes to know everything there is to know about a subject, or at least as much as is feasibly possible, within a very short amount of time. I usually find that being well-informed about something …
Marathon Training, Week Thirteen
Well here I am, less than three weeks away from marathon day, and I’m still thinking that this training will just go on forever. Matt keeps saying how he can’t wait until “this dang marathon” is just over and done with, but I think I’m going to have a harder time. I once read something …
Marathon Training, Week Twelve
This is about how I felt on Mile 17 of Saturday’s long run–in need of a solid bathroom break and with no finish line in sight. But I did it! I really did it! I ran 20 miles straight without having to stop to walk once! I’m still kind of in disbelief, actually. As a …
Marathon Training, Week Eleven
Remember when I said that my motivation was directly proportional to the temperature outside? Well, apparently my suffering is also directly proportional to the temperature outside. If the temperatures are bitterly cold, I have no motivation, but at least the run itself is pretty easy. If the temperature outside is a beautiful, sunny 60-degrees or …
Marathon Training, Week Ten
Besides these awesome “motivational posters” that I found this week on runnersworld.com, it’s been a tough week of training. First, we had the freak snowstorm at the beginning of the week, which prevented me from going out for any kind of run until Wednesday. And then, when Mr. Winter finally decided to cut me a …
Marathon Training, Week Nine
Guess what? I ran 16 miles on Saturday. SIXTEEN MILES. My mind is still blown. I still can hardly believe that I (yes, me, the girl who had always considered herself a non-runner) ran 16 miles in one go. Without walking. And with just one short water (and banana piece with peanut butter) break, too. …
Marathon Training, Week Eight
I am officially more than halfway through my training. While a part of me rejoices at that fact, the greater part of me (and perhaps the wiser part) is starting to freak out a little–it’s starting to wonder if I will really be ready for a 26.2 mile race in less than two short months. …