You could call May the month of young adult literature (mostly just because I was assigning my students a bunch of books I’d never read before, which just eats away at my soul until I check them all out myself). This month is set to include literature much more geared to adults, but I will …
April Reading
Even though April might have not been the best reading month as far as quantity goes, it definitely was an awesome month when it came to quality. The two books I read this month were both life-changing in their own ways. (But I’ll be honest—I’m still counting down the days until summer, when I’ll have …
I Read Real Books
My students seem to be slightly obsessed with all the e-reader options available today–they’ve asked permission to bring everything from Kindles to Nooks to iPhones to read in class, and they’ve repeatedly asked me for months to tell them yet again how to cite page numbers off of an e-book. While I can see the …

The 100 Most-Recommended Classics
When I was a high school senior, my AP Lit teacher gave us several book lists at the beginning of the year to help us become more well-read. I set a goal then and there that I was going to read every single work listed on the “100 Most-Often-Recommended” list (list taken from here). I …

50 Book Challenge
I’ve been a proud member of shelfari since 2007, which is how I came across the idea of “The 50 Book Challenge.” This year I grew a bit tired at the idea of setting a million resolutions that I usually just forgot about anyway, so I decided to have a little bit of fun this …