Scenes From the Weekend


We’ve got a busy weekend planned, which is why you’ll find me tonight with my butt planted firmly on the couch, soaking in as much “nothingness” as possible (especially after my insane week of end-of-level testing and end-of-month loose ends to all get accomplished).

While busy weekends are what eventually make for the best memories, I still crave those weekends where literally nothing is on the calendar–when I can just do laundry, clean the house, browse blogs, read for hours…

I used to worry about the fact that I’d basically become the “boring adult” I’d always sworn (as a kid) that I’d never be. Now, I know that my life actually has a pretty harmonious blend of the new and the comfortable, and it’s a balance I’m perfectly content with (even if my 16-year-old self would argue otherwise).

So I’m signing off on this (short) blog post by wishing you all a lovely weekend, whether it be a busy one or a comfortable one. Happy Friday to all!

My current read? Kate Morton’s The Lake House, which is surprisingly every bit as good as
pretty much all the reviews I’ve ever heard on it. Good thing too, because I’ve only had about a week total 
to read all 500 pages of it due to its library due date coming up any day now… 
Funny note: I’ll run into the exact same problem right after finishing this because the other book I’d had on hold forever also finally came in at the same time as Morton’s, so after this one, I’ll be devouring A Man Called Ove in about three days…

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