I Have a Problem Finishing Things + The Book That Changed Everything

First off, I should clarify—I don’t have a problem finishing ALL things. For example, I have no problem finishing books. Or an entire bag of Costco-sized Hershey’s kisses by myself. Or following through on commitments I’ve made to people (usually). No…what I DO have a problem finishing, however, is anything to do with tidiness or …

Happy Daddy Day

Matt and I aren’t so great at getting gifts for each other for any holiday other than Christmas…although this year I did, at least, order him a gift for Father’s Day from Amazon (though it didn’t come in time for him to open it today…sad day…). And because we’re basically poor from having just bought …

Trying Not to Stink at Waiting…and Failing.

On a scale of one to Freaking Out, I am currently at “out-of-my-mind-and-making-cookies-all-the-time” (which, for the record, registers somewhere around an 8.2). You see, we were supposed to close on our new house last Friday. Then we were supposed to close again today at 4:00. And… It’s looking like that won’t happen either (although it …