
Easter Portraits

Because sometimes you all just need to dress up in colors reminiscent of Easter eggs and take family pictures on the most hope-filled holiday of the whole year. Hope you and yours had a beautiful Sunday yesterday! “Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at …

My Capsule Wardrobe: One Month In

I think that with a capsule wardrobe–like with so many things–there is a “honeymoon” stage, a “reckoning” stage, and a “peaceful acceptance” (or “give up entirely”) stage. Or maybe that’s just my experience of it? Basically, for about two weeks after starting my capsule wardrobe experiment one month ago, I was unequivocally in love with …

Raven: 11 Months

Raven is now less than a month away from being a year old, a fact that seems at odds with the motherly part of my brain that insists that she’s still my tiny baby, only a few months old really. But eleven months sure is fun (even if it seems like my girl has a …