Family Fun

The Most Unsafe Park in the World

Welcome to Marble Park in Tremonton, Utah–the least kid-safe park in the entire world.

But with that said, it might just be the coolest park I’ve ever been to.

See that horse sculpture on the left? Looks lovely and relatively harmless, right? Well, as you can probably already tell from the photo on the right, it is made of barbed wire.


Barbed wire.

But it is lovely.

All safety matters aside, Matt and I spent a simply delightful afternoon there in an impromptu Meidell family reunion. (For your info, these spontaneous parties are actually pretty common when it comes to Matt’s family–it makes life rather exciting, actually–you never know when a fiesta is about to go down.)

Cool activities to do at Marble Park:

*Ringing the bells
*Flying around on the little contraption pictured below
*Eating KFC chicken and Taco Bell burritos while catching up on the latest family news
*Trying out the Olympic rings (so sad I didn’t get a picture of this!)
*Seeing  how high you can go on the old-fashioned wooden swings
*Seeing how many grandkids can sit across from Grandpa Meidell on the teeter-totter


*Sneaking under and/or over the padlocked building’s outer metal fence so we could see what was inside 🙂

(Note: the picture on the right there just goes to show how very awkward I get when a camera is whipped out and pointed at me)

Until next time, Marble Park!

(Yes, this is the actual sign of the park. See what I’m saying about dangerous?)

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