
Valentine’s Date

(Warning: This is a Somewhat Cheesy, Mushy Post)

Matt and I celebrated Valentine’s Day a little bit early, seeing as I have to work tomorrow night. It worked out perfectly, actually, even though we didn’t formally plan it together. I had gotten us tickets to The Music Man for Saturday night as an early Valentine’s Day gift, and while I was up in my apartment studying, Matt came up and surprised me from behind with roses and chocolate. It was a delicious surprise 🙂

Then we made homemade barbecue chicken pizza and ate cookies and drank root beer and then headed off to the show with my pockets full of Doves to enjoy during intermission. We love seeing shows together, so it was a lot of fun to walk hand-in-hand down Main Street to the Ellen Eccles Theater, where we enjoyed a fabulous production (very well-casted) of one of my favorite musicals ever. The music was just incredible (we especially loved the barbershop quartet), and Matt and I went around singing Lyda Rose the rest of the night. It was probably the best Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had–I love being engaged 🙂

Even though I was lucky enough to enjoy a romantic Valentine’s Day surprise, I think that more than anything the holiday just gives me a chance to reflect on the blessing of love in my life. I’ve always been blessed to be surrounded by people that love me, and who I love and appreciate as well–two loving and nurturing parents, two supportive stepparents, 5 awesome siblings (along with their families), my best friends who have been there for me for years (some of them my whole life—love you, Kayla!), awesome roommates, and of course, a fiancee that I couldn’t be more in love with. For a long time, I despaired of ever finding someone who I felt was just right for me–I wasn’t sure I could ever really “fall in love,” at least like I saw it happening to other people. And though I ‘ve loved lots of people, I’ve never felt anything like I do now for Matt: he’s everything I’ve ever wanted and truly is my perfect eternal companion. I just can’t wait for the day when I know he can be my valentine forever! Happy Valentine’s Day, honey!!

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